A public information session is planned for this week to reveal the plans for a proposed residential development in South Windsor.
Seiko Homes is proposing to develop two parcels of land known as 670 and 690 North Talbot Road, just east of Howard Avenue/Howard Place.
The proposal calls for the development of 12 three-storey townhouses for a total of 86 units.
The public information session is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Signature Tributes Event Centre, 3310 Dougall Avenue.
David French with Storey Samways Planning is representing the developer and says they have been preconsulting with the City of Windsor on this project for almost eight months.
"We have to do various studies in order to meet the submission requirements that we've completed. The next and last step is to hold the neighbourhood meeting," he says.
While the property in question is designated residential, and zoned Residential District, it does not permit the proposed townhouse dwelling as-of-right.
As a result, a by-law amendment and draft plan must be submitted to the City of Windsor and approved by Windsor City Council.