The community surrounding a new elementary school on Mercer St. in Windsor will soon have an answer as to what the school will be called.
Trustees with the Greater Essex County District School Board are set to discuss the issue Tuesday night.
There's been a push from a local group to have the school named after James L. Dunn — an African-Canadian business owner who fought to abolish segregation in Windsor's schools.
Board chair Ron LeClair says the Dunn name is one option on the table while the naming committee has also submitted Ambassador Public School, Ensemble Public School and Heritage Public School.
LeClair says the committee had a tough time coming to a consensus on what names to bring forward.
"What we have coming before us is a recommendation that is pretty broad. Under normal practices, we have a committee that recommends two names. In this case they've brought forth four names. I'm hopeful that we will come to a resolution that provides the school with a name and an identity moving forward," he says.
Greater Essex County District School Board trustee Ron LeClair after a meeting on April 16, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Zander Broeckel)
LeClair says there's a rationale attached each name.
"They started off with a significant list of names and the committee waded through those and did their appropriate research. Each of the names has its own merits and that's what the board of trustees will be weighing in on," he says.
The four possible school names were brought forth by a naming committee consisting of 14 members including trustees, staff and community representatives.
LeClair says trustees have their work cut out.
"The policy allows us to use names of people if we deem that appropriate. We also can name a school after a concept or a thought and we've done that in the past. We've also had schools named after people in the past. So either or is an acceptable resolution," she says.
The $15.4-million school is being built around the historic International Playing Card Factory on Mercer St. — it's expected to be open by January 2021.