Family doctors are being allowed to see more patients in-person and the president of the Essex County Medical Society is looking forward to it.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers like family doctors have been providing virtual care in the form of telephone visits and video care but society President Dr. Jen Bondy, acknowledges that in-person care is far more superior.
She points out when a physical exam is necessary, it has happened in-person but she is looking forward to providing more non-essential care.
The province has directed doctors to 'gradually' increase the number of patients they are able to see in person, but virtual visits will remain in place to not cause any shortages in personal protective equipment.
Bondy says they are always aware of the amount of personal protective equipment on hand.
"It is most definitely a limiting factor, we consider many things in terms of the hierachy in terms of hazard control so continuing to do virtual and telephone visits where possible," she says.
While some non-urgent screenings were postponed, Bondy notes in her practice, she has made a note of it to handle it in the future.
"I don't think things will fall through the cracks. Certainly things will not have been tended to as quickly as I would have liked but the circumstances were what they were and, we didn't have control over that necessarily," she says.
Bondy says patients need to expect some backlogs as doctors balance the need to see a patient in person, while handling other patients over the phone.
She points out that a map was created to inform the public what healthcare services are being provided and what location. CLICK HERE to find a link to the website.