An idea to open a cannabis consumption patio in Windsor will not happen.
Alex Newman, owner of Endless Heights, was exploring the idea of a pot patio as part of a new cannabis retail store he's opening at 5540 Wyandotte St. E.
But Newman will not be opening a consumption patio due to a number of restrictions around cannabis consumption and laws laid out in the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
Newman says he's always been interested in the idea.
"It's is possible to do it, but there is a bunch of logistical challenges," he says. "I've always kind of had an idea of it, it's something I've always wanted to do but at the moment it's not something that's going to happen."
Newman says you are not allowed to smoke marijuana or consume cannabis in a licensed establishment.
"If its licensed to serve food or alcohol, or it's enclosed in any capacity. Essentially that leaves an outdoor, non-licensed patio that nobody can work at," he says.
The new retail location is expected to open before Dec. 25.
While he won't be opening a consumption patio, Newman is not giving up on the idea and believes the regulation landscape may change in the future.
"The retail market has kind of stagnated, the marijuana industry. There's a million stores and a lot of them at the same, it's kind of the same stuff over and over again," he says. "I feel like you're seeing fatigue three years into legalization already, I think you're going to need to look into innovating the industry to keep it alive and vibrant."
In early November, Windsor City Council asked administration for more information on the legality of cannabis consumption patios and the rules around consumption. A report on the issue is expected to come back at a future meeting of council.
According to the Government of Ontario's website concerning cannabis laws, you cannot smoke or vape cannabis:
- in restaurants and on bar patios and public areas within 9 metres of a patio
- on outdoor grounds of specified Ontario government office buildings
- in reserved seating areas at outdoor sports and entertainment locations
- on grounds of community recreational facilities and public areas within 20 metres of those grounds
in sheltered outdoor areas with a roof and more than two walls which the public or employees frequent, or are invited to (for example, a bus shelter)