The Town of LaSalle will see a proposal in the next couple of months to enhance the cycling infrastructure.
Consultants WSP have been asked to look at various ways to improve active transportation in the town.
At a recent open house the key proposal is to alter Front Road from Ojibway Parkway to International Ave.
Senior Project Manager Brett Sears says they're proposing a realignment of the lanes.
"Right now there's two lanes going north and two south, what if there was only one lane north and one lane south," says Sears. "You'd still have the centre turn lane you would then have space to put some type of cycling facility"
Sears says they're suggesting this as a pilot project.
"It would first have to go to council to get their approval of this and eventually after you did some data collection to see how many people are using it and what happened to the vehicle traffic, do the businesses like it and is it achieving these ideals of more of a community feel, then you can make it permanent."
He hopes to get approval for the idea this summer.
Sears tells AM800 News the idea is to change the character from a thoroughfare.
"It's already part of the county-wide active transportation study that there should be something here. It's recognized we need a context sensitive solution, so we think this is something that could work," says Sears. "It would provide some facility for cyclists and also help create a sense of community not just people whizzing through but a destination"
He says no cost has been calculated for the trial project.
Sears explains there is a cycling path that comes along Ojibway Parkway, but ends at the boundary with LaSalle.