A rally is planned for Wednesday afternoon at the Canada Post mail processing plant on Walker Rd. in Windsor.
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 630 will be holding what's being called a "day of action."
It comes as arbitration begins in the wake of a five-week-long strike.
Local 630 President Phil Lyons says the union plans to highlight a number of items including the start of arbitration to let Canada Post know it's not too late to negotiate a new collective agreement.
"The start of the arbitration which CUPW deems it as unconstitutional, we've already filed with the courts, so we're expecting that it will be deemed unconstitutional but unfortunately we got to participate in it for now," says Lyons.
The federal government passed back-to-work legislation in late November, forcing an end to rotating walkouts
Lyons says it's happened to postal workers so many times, he thinks the members are frustrated.
"You know you have the right to bargain for a collective agreement in this country and it always seems our rights get taken away," he says.
The rally begins at 2:30pm and is expected to last one hour.
Lyons says he knows there have been a lot of rallies of late but is hoping the public will come out and support the postal workers.
"We're hoping that people have a little bit left in the tank and we've invited everybody to come out and look at our Delivering Community Power program, so we're hoping for a good crowd for sure," he says.