After a lengthy discussion, only certain parts of the Amherstburg Transportation Master Plan saw approval.
On Monday evening, council met with the Transportation Master Plan being presented which saw recommendations such as a 30 km/h "slow zone" in the Town core, improvements at the Simcoe Street and Meloche Road intersection, institute a full closure of Murray Street between Dalhousie Street and Ramsey Street, among other items such as concerns with parking, traffic calming measures, and more.
A handful of delegates attended the meeting, with all of them expressing their concerns with the closure of Murray Street, and how many of them don't have another entrance into their business. Others were concerned with the accessibility of seniors, as well as the fact that they were not consulted on this issue.
Council decided to approve the Transportation Master Plan in principle, the "slow zone" in the Town core did not receive any motions of approval and so administration will just review traffic calming measures in the area.
The improvements at Simcoe and Meloche were approved.
Meanwhile, a motion was put forward and approved by a close 4-3 vote to direct staff to consult with the businesses on Murray to see if there's a way to make the closure work.
David Cozens, member of Thistle Masonic Lodge on Murray Street, says this closure would hurt the Lodge.
"I do not understand how the full closure of will better accommodate our business, or how we will remain accessible. Any redesign of Murray Street should not be at the expense of an existing business for the advantage of another business."
Paul Hooper, speaking on behalf of the Fort Malden Order of The Eastern Star who use the Masonic Lodge Hall, says they won't be able to use the hall anymore if there's no street access.
"We have no problem parking our cars outside of this particular block, but we do need to be able to access the front of the building by car to drop off our senior members, and food, and other items that need to be brought into the hall. If Murray Street is closed permanently in this block, then the immediate effect is that we will no longer be able to have fundraiser's in Amherstburg Masonic Lodge."
Councillor Peter Courtney was opposed to the Murray Street closure, and said he's sick to his stomach at the idea that council will move forward with it.
"We're delving into the lives and businesses of private sector. We're closing streets down where people have invested their livelihoods, given up their lives to keep a functioning window open, and a door, to feed their family, and their whole lives have been focused on it. To be an entrepreneur I've heard it's endless hours, endless stress. And here we are, we want to close streets down. Do you know why people choose location? Because of accessibility."
Mayor Michael Prue was in favour of administration speaking to businesses about the Murray Street closure, but says this whole situation was done backwards.
"What do all of them need? And then report back to us how Murray Street could be made to work if council decides that it is to be temporarily closed. And I think if we don't do that, we're doing a disservice to both sides."
Council also approved to incorporate components from the Transportation Master Plan into future capital budgets.
The plan is intended to serve as a basis for future transportation investments, policies, and initiatives within the Town.