Police rolled out a full-court-press on the roads over the long weekend as part of the province's Drive Safe Campaign.
A Joint Force Initiative between OPP and Windsor Police Service set up in several locations on Thursday and Friday — netting 168 infractions in Windsor and Amherstburg.
Windsor Police Sgt. Steve Betteridge tells AM800 News police prefer to educate to prevent unsafe driving, but sometimes it takes a little extra to get through to some motorists.
"Just getting hit in the pocket book if you will, it takes that to remind people, but the goal is to keep our roads safe," he says.
Betteridge says a massive increase in traffic on a holiday weekend leaves little room for driver error.
So having that increased police presence on the roads helps lighten lead feat.
"When they see an officer performing enforcement a lot of vehicle will quickly slow down and that's part of the goal of what we want here," says Betteridge. "A lot of this initiative was our traffic unit on their motorcycles actually, which is a real visual presence from our officers out there."
He reminds motorists arriving alive is more important than being on time — posted speed limits are there for a reason.