The Town of LaSalle is getting ready to update St. Clair Park and wants to hear from its residents.
Mayor Marc Bondy says $150,000 has been set aside in the 2021 budget for the upgrades to the park off Normandy Street between St. Clair Avenue and Betts Avenue.
He says the town has a plan in place but would like to gather public feedback.
"There was issues before about the lack of amenities in that park last year and I think that's why it was brought to budget," says Bondy. "We approved the amount for that refurbishing if you will."
Bondy says the area around St. Clair Park has grown over the years.
"When the park was there and now the homes and the amount of people in that area is just going to give people more access," says Bondy. "The sad thing is it will be shut down from June until September so they can redo the park."
The current plans include the installation of a new fully accessible playground structure along with multi-use pathway, fenced in basketball court, installation of benches and improved drainage.
Residents are being asked to share their comments through the PlaceSpeak website. The deadline for public input is Feb. 24.