Pelee Island council has approved a 5.5 per cent tax increase for 2024.
The proposed budget was presented to council during their meeting on May 27 to allow for public comment.
Mayor Cathy Miller says talks went well on Tuesday evening between council, and there were no comments from the public on the proposed budget. There were no amendments made to the budget that was presented to council.
The municipal tax levy is just over $2-million, resulting in approximately $100,000 for the Township to address current needs.
A large portion of this budget is for the pre-allocated $11-million that is built in for the Universal Broadband project to bring high-speed internet to the Island.
Outside of the Broadband project, there are funds in the budget for improvements to the airport, equipment for roads, shoreline protection, canal bank repairs, among others.
Miller says there will be some impact to homeowners.
"Residential properties maybe that's assessed at around $225,000, it would look like a $198 increase. Commercial properties for example that's assessed at about $200,000 that would be a $250 increase."
She says a lot of the improvements to be made have had funding allocated from the province.
"With our Universal Broadband Fund and ICON [Improving Connectivity for Ontario] Broadband project, over $11-million is allocated for infrastructure within that budget, so it's a little bit lopsided. If we only look at, for example, our capital improvements that we're doing that are outside of Broadband, capital improvements are budgeted about $1.9-million."
Miller says council is very practical and realistic.
"They recognize there's only so much that you can do. Could we come forward and debate a 10 per cent increase to raise $200,000? Sure. But when you put it in perspective, other municipalities trying to raise $200,000 that would be maybe a one per cent increase for them."
Council will fully adopt the proposed budget at the June 25 meeting.
Pelee Island consists of 235 primary residents, with just under 500 households. The Island also sees approximately 800 seasonal residents.