Canada Day celebrations will continue this year in Windsor-Essex but will be different due to COVID-19.
The Windsor Corporation is asking residents to decorate their front porches, balconies or front lawns for Canada Day.
Parade corporation spokesperson, Maggie Durocher is calling it a "standstill parade."
"From what I've learned from the Canada Day parade routes and just seeing the flow of patriotism that we've had the opportunity to see over the years, I think this is something, where we're literally taking the parade to the people and we're asking them to be the parade," says Durocher.
Durocher says she's expecting a positive response.
"There's nothing in this that says it has to be the most professionally designed, it has to be whatever," she says. "It's just participation for the share enjoyment of participation, no holds barred, it's just like, let your Canadiana show through. Again, we're calling out to the community to be the parade."
Party goers carry a giant Canadian flag down Ouellette Ave. near Wyandotte St. as part of downtown Windsor's Canada Day Parade. Monday July, 1, 2019. (Photo by AM800's Gord Bacon)
Keith Chinnery is a volunteer with the corporation and believes there maybe some friendly competition with neighbours and neighbourhoods.
"Once one or two people start to decorate their front porch, you know the neighbours kind of want to out do whoever lives next door to them, and they're going to try and out do somebody else in a real friendly way," says Chinnery.
The parade corporation is also hosting a number of virtual events starting on June 22.
One feature will focus on past Summer Fest and Canada Day memories with videos shown on the corporation's Facebook page along with YourTV until June 30.
On July 1, local band Leave Those Kids Alone will be perform O' Canada at 12 p.m..
Summer Fest along with the Canada Day parades in the region have been cancelled this year because of COVID-19.