Over 1,000 people are expected to attend a rally in Windsor's Dieppe Gardens Friday morning.
The protest comes after word from General Motors on Tuesday that its assembly plant in Oshawa will shut down later this year, eliminating 2,600 direct jobs.
Workers are being bussed in from Oshawa and across the province for the rally which will includes speeches from Unifor National President Jerry Dias and President of the Windsor District Labour Council, Brian Hogan.
Hogan says the rally is about community.
"It's about our community saying to the 3,000 workers there in the community of Oshawa, we support you and more broadly, citizens across Ontario have to be standing up for a better society," he says.
The rally starts at 11am, the same time an investor update is planned at GM Headquarters across the river in Detroit.
Hogan says when you include the spin-off jobs, communities are being devastated by the decision to close the Oshawa plant.
"You're talking about $1-billion per year, that's $1-billion per year less taxes from all those workers and all those small businesses that are going to close up and of course no taxes from GM in Oshawa," he says.
Hogan says there is one lingering question.
"Where's the Prime Minister, where's Premier Ford who said he's there for the people," he says. "As you know just a few years a go, us as taxpayers in Windsor and across the country, bailed out GM and now they're walking away."
Hogan adds that while the rally is being organized by Unifor, anyone who is available is welcome to attend.
Stay with AM800 News for coverage of the rally.