Ontario Provincial Police want drivers to know they can expect to see more officers along one roadway in Leamington.
OPP officers with the Leamington Detachment will be putting a focus on a stretch of Mersea Road 1 between County Road 33 and Mersea Road 19 as they move to address an increase in traffic and drivers travelling faster than the posted 50 km/h speed limit.
OPP Constable Steven Duguay says they've noticed increased traffic and speeding in that area.
"We've had some residents in the area voice some concerns, so we're going to focus on that area," he says. "As well, we're coming into the school year, so we have Gore Hill Public School in that area. We want to make sure everything is safe and people get the message to slow down."
Duguay says the speed limit is 50 km/h, but there is also a school along there, which means a reduced speed limit for part of the roadway.
"We want people to be aware of the changing speed limits and follow the signs, and signage that's on the road. Especially for, again, I don't want to reiterate it, but it's coming up to school year. We're going to have a lot more kids out on the road, walking, biking, and school buses as well," he says.
Duguay says there's lots of traffic going east and west along Mersea Road 1.
"There's residential properties in that area, and then with the school and some businesses as well, with trucks turning and other vehicles turning. The speed limit is set for a specific reason because of the amount of traffic that will be stopping and turning into residential driveways, schools, and businesses. We want to keep that area safe," he says.
Mersea Road 1 is a popular route for drivers travelling between Leamington and Wheatley and Chatham-Kent.