Users of Mackenzie Hall in west Windsor will have to find a new place to park.
Starting on Thursday the parking lot on the west side of the building will no longer be made available.
"On Friday we were given notice from the province that the parking lot outside of Mackenzie Hall which used by a lot of the users of that facility, it has been deemed that it will not be available going forward," says Executive Director of Recreation and Culture for the city of Windsor Ray Mensour.
As heard on AM800 news on Wednesday, the province has put the former jail up for sale along with the former registry office and the parking lot at Mackenzie Hall.
Mensour says in the meantime users are being asked to park on Brock St. or on Sandwich St.
He says the parking lot leads to the main entrance of the hall.
"That's why it's such a major concern for a lot of the users that, that parking lot which hold approximately 32 parking spots was primary parking area for people using the facility," says Mensour.
Windsor's Mackenzie Hall (by AM800's Teresinha Medieros)
Mensour says the city does not know how the province plans to block the lot.
"I'm not exactly sure how they're going to barricade it but we were just notified that we will no longer have access to the parking lot," says Mensour.
Mensour says the city and province had a lease in place for the parking lot but it expired in 2013.
He says since then the province has allowed the city to use the parking lot.
Mensour says the city has added two temporary handicapped accessible parking spots on Sandwich in front of the hall.