WINDSOR — Family Services Windsor-Essex is supporting an anti-bullying campaign to raise awareness that bullying has no age limits.
Wednesday, February 26 is Pink Shirt Day and although the focus has been on kids, Family Services Windsor-Essex points out older adults are victims of bullying too.
People are encouraged to wear a pink shirt today to raise awareness to prevent bullying against people of all ages.
Last year, Family Services Windsor Essex responded to over 250 cases of Elder Abuse & Bullying.
Elder abuse can include financial or property misuse, physical or sexual abuse, mental or emotional abuse as well as caregiver neglect.
Family Services Program Coordinator Mehnaz Rafat says elder abuse and bullying tend to be overlooked.
"Create more opportunities for conversation around this topic because the more awareness there is, it would be better in prevention," she says.
A recent Canadian study found 57% of English-speaking older adults respondents reported being bullied in the past four months.
Rafat admits more research on the topic is needed.
"At this time the research is scarce on this topic of bullying among older adults but there are numerous stories that identify conflict in groups of older adults, who are either living together or living independently," she adds.
Elder Abuse Ontario and the Windsor-Essex Elder Abuse Prevention Network are offering a free half-day training workshop on Wednesday, March 11 from 12:30pm to 4:30pm at Alzheimer Society Windsor-Essex for professionals in the community.
The workshop will discuss ways of recognizing the warning signs.