LaSalle's annual New Year's Eve fireworks show will make its return in a drive-in format at the Vollmer Recreation Complex.
Although the drive-in style was put in place due to the COVID 19 pandemic, this years event promises to be bigger and better than ever.
Scott Bisson Manager of Culture and Recreation for the town says precautions will be made due to concerns of COVID 19.
"Pull into one of the parking lots on Vollmer Complex and stay in your vehicles and enjoy the fireworks," says Bisson. "If someone does get out of their vehicles we're just asking they wear a mask so we're as safe as possible."
He's encouraging the public to arrive a little early to get a good spot to watch the show.
"We ask people to be patient as everyone is pulling in and trying to find a spot, people can expect the show to be about 20 minutes in length so when the show is done also have patience as everyone is pulling out," he says. "It's a great event for families to come out, especially families with young kids and they're not up too late."