Windsor's parks By-law might be a little differen't after tonight's council meeting.
The Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee approved the new rules at its June meeting — ranging from where people can smoke to what can be used in parks are being updated to reflect changing technology and legislation.
Corporate Leader of Parks and Recreation, Culture and Facilities Jan Wilson tells AM800 News, if approved, park curfews will be pushed back from 12am to 11pm until 5am daily — Wilson says the by-law gives the city a tool to remove residents that may be disturbing the peace after hours.
"We want people to enjoy our parks, we want them to be active and healthy, but we're saying after dark, unless there's a permitted event, they really shouldn't be in the parks," she says.
Municipal, federal and provincial rules have changed, so Wilson says the by-laws need to change too.
"Council passed a by-law that E-Bikes are not permitted on multi-use trails and paths so we're recommending our by-law be updated to reflect that as well," says Wilson. "Provincial legislation on smoking has changed, as has the municipal by-law on smoking, so our parks by-law needed to change to reflect that."
The use of drones is one area that needed to be addressed, like any other unmanned model rocket or plane, drone users will need a permit as well. Wilson says the city will also revisit its leash policy, it currently doesn't allow for animals to roam free at all.
"We also added some language about leash free parks, right now obviously the parks by-law says you must be on a leash at all times, we recognize that we've constructed some leash free areas in our parks, so we need to update our parks by-law," she says.
If approved, changes won't officially go into effect until later this summer.
The by-law was last changed back in 2002.
— with files from AM800's Peter Langille