Mother Nature has been kind to Windsor's budget.
As of the third quarter of 2018, the city was looking at a $400,000 deficit in its winter control budget because the winter earlier in 2018 had a lot of snow.
The winter control budget runs from January to December in each year.
But with the lack of snow in November and December, city treasurer Joe Mancina says it looks like the 2018 winter control budget will be at break even.
He says crews have had to salt city streets in the past few months, but that's it.
"We haven't had to go out and do any sort of residential snow removal so that certainly has been positive," Mancina adds. "It is about $350,000 every time they roll out on a residential snow removal."
He admits the winter control budget is tough to predict, saying "winter control is one of those things in the budget where you don't have ultimate control of it. Obviously we need to do the necessary cleanup that is required and we ceertainly look at providing contingencies within our overall budget to mitigate against winter control which you really can't control."
The overall winter control budget for the city is close to $4-million.