A holiday tradition returns to downtown Windsor this Friday.
The 17th annual Mikhail Holdings Holiday Turkey Giveaway takes place at the CIBC building at 100 Ouellette Avenue.
Joe Mikhail is a partner with Mikhail Holdings and says 500 turkeys, along with potatoes and corn will be handed out.
He says there will be enough turkeys and there is no need to line up over night.
"There's people who come in at midnight, two or three in the morning and wait in the cold, they don't need to do that," he continued. "We're going to start giving them away around 8:30-9 o'clock in the morning and if you're lined up by 7 o'clock, 7:30 you should be fine."
He says his family is humbled by the experience.
"Not everybody has a meal every night, not everybody can enjoy to have a turkey at Christmas and not everybody can have the festivities that go along with it and the fact that we're humbled enough and able enough to do so, it gives us great delight."
He says last year's giveaway happened but it was different.
"We delivered them to every home. So we had the police, we had volunteers, we had names and we actually drove them to people's houses all 500 so that was an experience in itself," he said.
Mikhail says turkey distribution will begin around 8:30 a.m.
He says masks must be worn at all times and is asking everyone to follow all public health safety measures.