A LaSalle marina operator is smiling from ear to ear.
Sally Beattie, co-owner of Beattie's Sunset Marina on Front Road near Victory Street is excited to reopen her marina to the public this holiday weekend.
"I'm really looking forward to some happy faces this weekend," says Beattie.
She says it's one of the busiest weekends of the year for her marina and prior to the premier's announcement, she heard from many upset boaters.
"I had a lot of people upset that we couldn't let anyone on the property here but I know I'll be getting some calls and it will be nice to tell them some good news finally," she says.
Beattie says the marina will follow all safety measures and is looking forward to a great summer.
"We're ready to go," says Beattie. "We've been ready for the last months to open up really but we're all set and ready to go."
As heard live on AM800 news on Thursday, Premier Doug Ford announced outdoor recreational facilities such as marinas, golf courses and tennis courts can reopen on Saturday with some restrictions.