The sign for the marina in Leamington will be getting a makeover.
During Tuesday's meeting, council voted in favour of installing a new sign for the marina.
The facility name on the current entrance sign at the marina needs to be updated to 'Leamington Marina', following the end of the naming rights contract with Lakeside Produce.
Council approved for Elite Mediaworks to complete the construction and installation of the sign, at a cost of $20,999.
Recently, Elite Mediaworks installed new signs at the Kinsmen Baseball Diamonds and Stake Park. The Municipality is looking to achieve brand consistency and keep Leamington's brand colours and font the same.
A second option was presented to council to have the sign include another LED screen like the current marina facility entrance sign, however the cost to replace it, and maintenance costs deterred council from that option.
The project will be funded through the Contingency Reserve.