Some fiery moments in the Ontario Legislature today over whether there is an automotive strategy in the province.
Local NDP MPP's Percy Hatfield and Taras Natyshak demanded the Wynne government provide an auto strategy to defend Ontario's jobs as U.S President-elect Donald Trump is stating he will not support existing North American trade deals.
"What is the Wynne government doing to protect and grow Ontario's automotive industry?" asked Hatfield.
But Minister of Economic Development and Growth Brad Duguid says things are turning around in the industry.
"We have seen in the last three weeks alone, $1.5-billion to $1.7-billion in commitments and investments all over the province including Windsor, Oshawa, St. Catherines, Woodstock," said Duguid.
"Crossing your fingers and hoping for the best is not an automotive strategy," Natyshak fired back. "We need a plan and deserve a plan that addresses the skyrocketing prices of hydro, makes us the most productive place to manufacture auto parts, aerospace and we can do that but we need leadership from the provincial government."