It's that time of year once again — the time when many people make a New Year's resolution to be more healthy.
Owner of True Fitness Windsor Luis Mendez says, whether it be getting active, losing weight or eating better, be sure to create a plan that works for you and one that's attainable.
He says the holiday season can be tough on the body.
"The average Canadian, I've seen studies and stats, will gain anywhere between eight to 10 pounds during the holidays, which is quite an amount of weight," he says. "A good bulletproof plan is not just about how much you're moving and how much you're sweating, but also it's the nutritional aspect of it all."
Mendez says January provides a fresh start for many.
"January is an awesome time of the year," says Mendez. "I wish we had it probably two or three times a year where individuals can kind of start with a fresh slate where they have a re-found energy to better themselves."
He says, with the pandemic still hanging around, it's more important than ever to get moving.
"Just pandemic has put a lot of people in a mindset that physical activities aren't just to to lose weight and look better, but also feel better, especially from a mental health point of view," he says. "So we do see a lot more individuals when we do our consultations and you start getting a lot more of the mental health benefits of it all."
True Fitness Windsor is located on Tecumseh Rd. E. on the city's east side and on Ouellette Ave in the downtown core.
AM800's news poll question on Tuesday asked our listeners if they make a New Year's resolution each year — of more than 1,000 responses, 84% said no.
— with files from AM800's Rob Hindi