Some good news for this area, at least weather-wise.
The Director of Watershed Management for the Essex Region Conservation Authority says "considering the wacky weather we've been getting, Windsor-Essex got off easy when it comes to flooding."
Tim Byrne told AM800's The Afternoon News the recent snow and rain combined with freeze/thaw conditions could have led to far worse conditions.
But he says we didn't get nearly as much snow as was forecasted this past weekend.
"Right now, we're in as good of shape as you can be this time of year with this type of weather system we're dealing with," says Byrne. "We're very fortunate that the snows that were forecasted earlier, we didn't receive those forecasted amounts."
He says local water levels have stayed nearly the same even with the snow melting.
"The rain that's falling, there's some absorption within the snow. It's acting like a sponge. Levels have not jumped up dramatically in our waterways," says Byrne. "The water is flowing over the ice surfaces that were present there. In general terms, it's the best we can hope to have given this time of year with this type of storm system."
Byrne says if current temperatures continue, most of the precipitation should be cleared up before we get more snow.
"The thaw right now provides a respite and, all in all, let's keep our fingers crossed that it stays mild for long enough to get rid of the snow cover that we've got. Then we'll be in a good position to deal with what we may be delivered later," he says.
Residents are being asked to clear any drains or catch basins in and around their property to allow melting snow and rain to flow freely.
ERCA has a Watershed Conditions Statement in effect until 9am Friday.