Local English Catholic school staff is "optimistic" to hear talks will resume with the province.
As a result, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association announced next week's strike action has been cancelled. According to OECTA, a mediator called both sides back to the table and they've been, "assured that the discussions will continue to be meaningful."
Windsor-Essex Secondary Unit President Joe Brannagan says, with stalled talks all week, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.
"That's good news. I mean, it's been a long time coming to get to this point with the province having OECTA go back to the table with them," he says. "I think it's very positive and shows a lot of optimism on our part and some faith in, finally, the province."
He hopes it means staff can stay off the picket line and get back in the classroom for good.
"Work withdrawal is difficult because it makes everybody's job harder and it makes the learning environment that much more challenging," says Brannagan. "To be able to stay in the classroom and keep doing what we do is important."
Ontario's high school, elementary, Catholic and French teachers have been without a contract since August 31, 2019.
Negotiations resume Monday.