LaSalle wants to hear what its residents would like to see at the Vollmer Centre.
The town celebrated the centre's 10 year anniversary last year and councillor Sue Desjarlais says planning has started for the next 10 years and beyond.
An open house was held Tuesday night to gather public input on a new master plan for the recreation complex.
Desjarlais says what was state-of-the-art 10 years ago may not be anymore.
"What was really good when the building was designed, maybe that was state-of-the-art then, and we've been open for 10 years and there's a lot of use in this facility. You have to keep an eye on stuff like that and 10 years is a major feat for a facility like this."
LaSalle residents attend an open house on the Vollmer Centre Master Plan on January 29, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Zander Broeckel)
She says getting feedback from the public is a must.
"It's just a case of let's hear what the public has to say and we'll see what we can do. That's what we're about. We want to be able to say to people we're listening to what you're saying and we're trying and let's all work together and let's make it even better than it already is."
Desjarlais says resident requests range from lighting at the baseball diamonds to a dirt bike track.
"It's not going to happen overnight because I don't have a money tree growing in the backyard and we don't have one in the back 40 at the Vollmer. It's all takes money, but if we have an idea what the residents are looking for, that helps us with our budgeting over the next five, 10, 15, 20 years."
LaSalle residents attend an open house on the Vollmer Centre Master Plan on January 29, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Zander Broeckel)
Residents who couldn't make it to the open house are encouraged to go to the town's website to submit feedback.
The Vollmer Centre Master Plan is expected to come before council for discussion in late spring or early summer.