A LaSalle landscaper admits it's frustrating to be targeted by criminals.
For the second time since December, Scott Barrie's truck has been stolen.
He owns Precedence Landscaping and uses his truck in the winter time for snow removal.
Thursday morning one of his trucks was taken from his work yard on the 7th Concession and, after viewing surveillance footage, he believes it's the same people who took the truck at the end of last year.
Police received a call in early December from a Windsor resident living in the 5400 block of Malden Rd., who reported some of his belongings were in a pick-up truck stuck in mud next to his driveway.
Police discovered the pickup truck had been reported stolen and later arrested two suspects at a coffee shop on Malden Rd.
Barrie has contacted LaSalle Police following this latest theft.
"They found it pretty quick last time but they're as frustrated as everybody else is because they know, they catch these guys and then the guy wasn't even charged I don't think the last time, I think he was just released on a promise to appear," says Barrie. So because of the way the legal system works, he just gets released, he's back out in the community and then he's right back at what he's doing before."
He says it seems like the justice system has become a revolving door.
"It's frustrating because I work hard for the stuff I have and to maintain the business, then somebody who doesn't work at all, and just decides to make a living from crime, comes along and takes my stuff," says Barrie.
Surveillance video from the work yard has been handed over to LaSalle Police.