If you live in Lakeshore and you get a call from Ipsos, you may want to answer.
The town is undertaking a municipal service delivery review initiative that will take an in-depth look at how business is conduced and services are delivered.
Phone calls started on Thursday, February 6 and will run until the end of the month, with the survey only taking about five minutes to complete.
CAO Truper McBride says the objective is to make sure the municipality is providing the right services at the right level.
"We're always looking for ways to improve the operations that we do here and making sure that we're doing the best we can for our citizens, and this survey that's going out is one of the approaches we're using this year to make sure we're engaging our residents and giving them an opportunity to provide us feedback on the work we do."
He says all municipal services will be part of the survey.
"Parks, roads, water, storm water, environmental services, the quality of our beaches, things like that, boat launches, all of this is stuff that we wanted to hear from the public and see how well we're doing in providing these services for them."
McBride wants residents to know that these calls are legitimate.
"That this is an important part of our local democracy and ways that they can participate in it and making sure that they have a voice in how we're delivering services and if there's room for improvement, this is a great opportunity to let us know how."
The cost to carry out the survey is $24,000, but is fully covered by provincial funding.
McBride says when the survey wraps up at the end of the month, the results will be compiled and presented to council some time in June.