The Municipality of Lakeshore has approved a project with the WindsorEssex Community Foundation.
As part of WECF's 40th Anniversary Municipal Legacy Project, during Tuesday's meeting, council approved for $15,000 to be spent from the Parks Reserve to assist with supporting the project.
The Municipality and WECF will each put in $15,000 for an abstract art structure surrounded by plantings, which is intended to bring beautification and art to the shoreline of Lakeshore.
As part of the Foundation's anniversary, its goal is to collaborate with local municipalities to establish legacy projects across the region.
The sculpture, which is shaped like a sailboat, will be located at Lakeview Park, next the Belle River Marina.
Other municipalities who have confirmed their participation in the legacy project is Amherstburg, Essex, Kingsville, LaSalle, Leamington, Tecumseh and Windsor.