Windsor police are urging people to be patient with the current backup of truck traffic heading north on Huron Church Road.
Sergeant Steve Betteridge says the issue is on the US side of the border and they have no control over that.
He says trucks are being processed and the line is moving, but slowly.
Sgt. Betteridge says transports are using different routes to get to the bridge, but police can only limit that in specific circumstance.
"It would depend what route they're taking and if it's a legal route and all I mean by that is they obey the proper signage that's out on the roadway. There's certain roads that allow large transport vehicles and certain roads that prohibit it"
He says officers are on scene along the congested area to make sure more problems don't develop.
"We have received calls from the community about it we do have patrol officers out in the area as well as officers from our traffic enforcement unit and again the number one priority is safety meaning we're working on keeping the intersections clear"
Sgt. Betteridge urges people to avoid the congested areas if they can.
He adds police have communicated with the MTO to use the signs on the 401 to alert trucks of the backup before they get to it.