Still reeling from his death, the family and friends of 51-year-old Dino Trombley have set up a 'Go Fund Me' page to help with funeral costs.
Trombley was killed last week in a workplace accident at RJ Cyr in Maidstone.
Family spokesperson Ron Storey says Trombley's death has been devastating to everyone who knew him. "You hear it all the time that he had a big heart. This guy is going to be in our group so missed, his family misses him they are still broke up. I mean it is fresh and raw and it is going to be that way a long long time because of the way he was."
"His wife is heartbroken" says Storey. "They are newlyweds and as far as finances I am sure she is scrambling and I know she is in terms of lines of credit and trying to get this done and it is an extra burden on her that we do not want to see her have."
Trombley was recently married and leaves behind his wife and 5 children.
Click here to find his Go Fund Me page.