The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is suspending two foot care clinics in Leamington.
The clinic at the South Essex Community Council and the Sun Parlour Home, both on Talbot St E, have been suspended.
It follows an investigation into breaches in infection prevention and control practices related to reprocessing, cleaning and the handling of equipment.
While the risk of infection is very low, the health unit recommends clients of the clinics consult their healthcare provider to discuss their specific risk.
That could include skin or tissue irritation to more serious infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV.
The announcement comes one day after Essex Community Services announced it has re-opened its Foot Care Clinic in Essex.
“With the dedication and commitment displayed by our co-coordinating staff and nurses, we are pleased to announce that our foot care clinic in Essex Centre has reopened,” said Carolyn Zivanov, Acting Executive Director, Essex Community Services.
At the time, the health unit identified multiple breaches in infection prevention and control practices.
In a news release, Essex Community Services says it will now use sterilized one-time use tools for procedures and treatments.
E-C-S also announced it will not re-open the Harrow and McGregor clinics but instead consolidate them with the Essex clinic on Victoria Ave.