A location for Windsor's first safe consumption site could be named and open for public consultation by August.
After two Request for Proposals (RFP) turned up no suitors, The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has narrowed its search to three potential locations.
Board of Health Vice Chair Rino Bortolin says the locations are in downtown Windsor where opioid use is most prevalent.
He says the health unit is holding off on naming potential sites until a decision is made at the next board meeting.
"We don't want it to be a very contentious issue. We don't want it to be a thing where there's a line up of residents and business owners opposing it," he says. "We understand it's a controversial issue, but at the same time, it's a need in our community."
Bortolin says staff actively sought buildings and found owners who weren't aware of the RFP.
"They went through multiple iterations in different areas and all the way down to where they have willing owners and landlords willing to work with them that meet all the criteria that's involved," says Bortolin.
He says the health unit is working to ensure the location is a good fit.
"You're going to hear a lot of negative comments pointing to some of the larger cities that have safe injection sites, but we're trying to do things as well thought out as possible so that it's not only a success for the users, but it's also not something that brings down the neighbourhood," he added.
Bortolin says the most important parts of the site will be allowing those addicted to opioids to test their drugs to prevent overdoses and access to programs to help them get off drugs.
He expects a decision to be made on the location at the next board meeting in June.
The site will then be the subject of public consultation before it can go before city council.