The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has declared new outbreaks at area hospitals.
According to the release, there are currently four outbreaks at Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) and three at Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH).
Windsor Regional Hospital confirmed that outbreaks have been declared on both the Four Medical (4M) and Six East (6E) units at the Ouellette Campus, and the Four North (4N) and Six North (6N) units at the Met Campus.
On Friday, the hospital confirmed that the outbreak on 4M at Ouellette Campus has been rescinded, but there is a new outbreak on Eight West (8W) at Ouellette Campus.
Outbreak measures are currently in place on affected units as 27 patients and 25 staff members have tested positive for the virus between both campuses.
Last month, precautions were implemented across both campuses that include all patients being tested for COVID-19 before admission into hospital whether they are symptomatic or not and cohorting patients who test positive for the virus.
Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare also declared an outbreak on Three South (3S) in the Dr. Y. Emara Centre for Healthy Aging and Mobility.
Two patients have tested positive for COVID-19 on 3S and officials say outbreak precautions have been implemented on this unit.
Officials say outbreaks on 3N and 2S units are ongoing — five patients and seven staff have tested positive associated with these outbreaks.