The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is growing concerned with residents ignoring instructions to isolate after being exposed to COVID-19.
CEO Nicole Dupuis says, with case counts climbing, it's more important than ever to follow the guidelines handed down by the health unit to help break the chain of transmission.
She says people just aren't listening.
"One of our key messages is if you've been directed by public health to isolate, you need to isolate, and that includes all activities. We are seeing and hearing not a strict adherence to some of those public health recommendations including isolation," she said.
Dupuis says health officials are fearing a repeat of the last holiday season.
"It is definitely important for people to adhere to the guidance of public health if we all want to keep going and maintain our community where it's at," she continued. "I don't think any of us want to see rates as high as we had last year around the holidays."
She says residents with any questions should contact the health unit for some clarity.
"There is a lot of varying guidance depending on different situations and scenarios and it can be confusing for individuals. But ultimately, isolation requirements are directed by our public health units to individuals and that's the direction that folks should be following."
There are currently outbreaks at 10 workplaces, eight schools and two long-term care homes along with eight community outbreaks.
Windsor-Essex has seen nearly 22,000 positive cases of COVID-19 and 471 deaths since the pandemic began.