WINDSOR — Five new cases of COVID-19 have been detected in Windsor-Essex.
Of the five, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit says three are health care workers and no new deaths are reported.
It brings the total to 982 positive cases in Windsor-Essex with 566 resolved.
Medical Officer of Health Dr. Wajid Ahmed says Windsor-Essex is moving in the right direction as the number of cases per day is dropping, with a few spikes.
But he says community transmission is dropping which is a good sign.
"When we are looking at these numbers, what we need to focus on is where are these cases happening, because if you are testing people on all of the close contacts and they are coming back positive, then it is kinda expected," says Dr. Ahmed.
Dr. Ahmed points out from a community perspective, the main concern is when there isn't any direct or close contact with a positive cases among family members or people in the same household.
"Over the last month or so, what we have seen is the community transmission is going down, dropping down to 20 to 30 percent of our cases," adds Dr. Ahmed. "Which is good, but we would like to see that going down significantly."
As for the random testing, 500 people were tested at the Essex drive-thru on Tuesday.
Another drive-thru location is set for Wednesday from 10am to 5pm at the Kingsville Recreational Sports Field.
People are asked to bring their health card.