The Greater Essex County District School Board has released its School Reopening Plan for the 2021-22 school year.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 25-page document has information for parents, guardians, students and the community to help them be prepared for the return to school this September.
According to the release, the board will have in person and virtual schools for both the elementary and secondary school level.
Under the plan libraries and cafeterias are reopened, lockers and cubbies can be used, music class with instruments and singing is allowed and gymnasiums and playground equipment available
Field trips, assemblies, non-emergency parental visits community use of school and extra-curricular activities are still prohibited.
Masks are mandatory on buses and indoors for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Staff will be required to wear a medical mask and eye protection.
Everyone who attends school will need to complete COVID-19 screening by parents at the elementary level and students for secondary.
Visit the board's website to view the plan in its entirety.