A candidate who failed in his bid to land a trustee seat on the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board is now taking legal action.
Eric Renaud has decided to challenge the election results and has filed with the Superior Court of Justice, which has issued a Notice of Application. A court date in June is also set with the Roman Catholic Diocese of London and the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board.
Renaud ran for trustee in the October 22, 2018 election, campaigning for one publicly funded school system.
He's claiming election interference after the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board released a letter urging churchgoers to not support any candidate who suggests merging the public and Catholic school boards.
According to Renaud, the letter, in conjunction with the Diocese of London and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, was posted on church bulletins across the city the day before the election.
He recently received a Freedom Of Information request from the school board which he claims is documented proof, the catholic board and Diocese of London, interfered in the election.
The board handed over documents on January 11 that included copies of internal emailed and minutes.
The allegations have not been proven in court.