A policy on raising flags in the Municipality of Lakeshore will remain status quo.
The municipality will remain with the original policy, which does not allow flag raising's that do not involve the federal, provincial, Franco-Ontario, or municipal flags.
Council revisited the policy in December 2023 after a large increase in requests for flag raising's.
Council met on Tuesday to formally adopt the by-law for the Flag Police, but the motion failed with a 4-4 vote. Council instead voted to receive the report for information only - ultimately keeping the Flag Protocol Policy the same without a formal by-law in place.
Lakeshore resident and Windsor Police Service's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator Sergeant Yvonne Ouimet attended the meeting asking for council to reconsider allowing different groups and organizations to fly their flags.
Ouimet says as someone who is a part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community it comes down to safety and inclusion.
"They continue to be victimized, the continue to be discriminated, they continue to be demonized in our society even though they've been protected under the Human Rights Code since I believe 1977. There's always space for our leaders like you to show who we are, to lead the ones that need leading, and that is your role. You have the power to do this for our community."
Councillor Kelsey Santarossa says council has the opportunity to support visibility where they can.
"Just recognizing that I think we actually have the opportunity and an obligation under some federal the 94 calls to action for Truth and Reconciliation being one of them, as well as the Pride flag."
Councillor John Kerr says groups, including the 2SLGBTQ+ community, should have this opportunity.
"I don't support this either but it's not only because of your organization, but all organizations, I think that on their special day they should be able to fly a flag on Lakeshore."
The Flag Protocol Policy came into effect in March 2009.
Organizations and groups can fly their flag on a temporary flag pole only during special events.