The federal leader of the New Democratic Party has put the Prime Minister on blast due to hikes in mortgage and interest rates.
NDP leader Jagmeet Singh visited Windsor on Wednesday, and says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has created a 'mortgage bombshell' for Canadians.
Singh's visit comes one week after the Bank of Canada increased interest rates to five per cent, the highest it's been since 2001.
According to the NDP, in Windsor-Essex the average price to buy a home has increased by 160.3 per cent since Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister in 2015.
Singh states that the NDP is calling on the Liberals to offer stronger mortgage relief and reduce house prices by building more homes so prices don't continue to rise.
Singh says more needs to be done in Canada to help families.
"We need immediate mortgage relief. There are so many measures that can be taken, and the federal government is just not doing enough to give people that mortgage relief. Other countries have put in place significant measures to give people relief, we need to see some of those measures being taken here in Canada to give people a break so they're not struggling and desperately worried about how they're going to afford their mortgage."
He says more homes need to built rapidly.
"More homes that are affordable, affordable to rent or to buy. We need to make massive investments and make those investments as quickly as possible, build more homes as quickly as possible so families can actually afford a place. And we need to make sure we're taking measures to save people money, to put money back in their pockets."
He adds that he will continue to fight for the region.
"And I'm hoping that people here in Windsor, a place that I grew up in, a place that I know really well, a place that I have a deep connection to, they know that I'm going to continue to fight for the people of Windsor and Essex County that I understand the struggles and I understand the worries, and we're going to deliver real help, give people a break, make sure people can get by and build a good life for themselves and their family."
The NDP say a couple who purchased a home at the average market price in Windsor with a 25-year variable-rate mortgage has seen their mortgage payment increased by $1,713 a month in less than a year and a half.
Singh says if the government doesn't implement anti-inflationary measures, this couple will pay more than $500,000 in additional interest over the life of their mortgage than they had initially planned.
Singh says the bottom line is the federal government must step up for Canadians.
During his visit in Windsor, Singh also visited the UHC - Hub of Opportunities as well as the Windsor and District Labour Council.
-with files from CTV News