Essex-Windsor EMS marked a milestone on Monday of having more than 1,041 publicly accessible automated external defibrillators (AEDs) added to its registry.
EMS staff and members of the public helped register AEDs and raise awareness about how the devices can save lives.
The registry is accessible through a phone app called PulsePoint AED, which allows users to easily upload photos of AEDs and mark their locations on a map.
The information can be accessed by 911 dispatchers, who can quickly direct callers to the nearest AED in cases of cardiac arrest.
Chief Justin Lammers says every minute counts in the event of cardiac arrest.
"10 per cent decrease in chance of survival for every minute that goes by that you're not doing something, so this initiative that we're doing here is effectively saving lives in our community in brining the care to the patients quicker."
Lammers says registry initially began with only 300 publicly accessible AEDs.
"We know there are more, and that's the call to the public right now. When you're out at an event, if you're aware of a public access defibrillator, please register it. Download PulsePoint AED app, register it on there, help us bring those numbers up."
Tecumseh resident Andrea Ducharme was presented with an Essex-Windsor EMS meritorious service coin for registering more than 20 AEDs.
Ducharme, her husband Dustin and two of their three children took part in an AED and CPR awareness session, and were shown how to download and use the PulsePoint AED app.
She says she began registering AEDs at the arena's her son was playing hockey in.
"I also work for the public board so I'm in a lot of schools, so I have access to all that stuff, and then when I'm out and public grocery shopping, at the mall, anytime I saw them, it was kind of a fun activity for me and my kids to go through, and they don't have a phone and I do, so I won the contest."
Ducharme says she got involved because it's something so easy that can help a lot of people.
"Taking a picture on my phone and uploading some information takes 30 seconds, it's not hard, and it can save lives."
More information on the registry and how to download the app can be found here: