Unnecessary 'open burn' fire calls are costing Essex taxpayers thousands of dollars a year according to a town councillor.
Larry Snively says every time fire trucks respond to a call for a small backyard fire it costs the town as much as $800 and many of the calls are for repeat offenders. He describes them as "nuisance calls" that put the entire community in jeopardy.
"Let's say, if we had a serious fire, here they are out on a call on a concession because two neighbours are feuding and one starts a fire to smoke the other one out," says Snively. "All the fire department is out there and we have a serious call come in in town or something like that. We're putting people at risk."
The town's current bylaw says trucks must go if they're available and Snively wants that policy changed to account for repeat offenders.
"If we have somebody calling the fire department on a regular basis and the fire department goes out there, I think that they should pay for the fire call, plain and simple," says Snively.
Administration is preparing a report to go before council in the near future.