The Town of Essex is showcasing its support against intimate partner violence.
During Monday evening's meeting, one of the correspondences directed to council was from the Violence Against Women Coordinating Committee Windsor Essex asking the county for its support in declaring intimate partner violence an epidemic.
In a letter addressed to Mayor Sherry Bondy, it asks that council 'support the local VAWCCWE in taking steps towards systemic change that needs to occur in Canada to best protect those at risk'.
The motion to declare IPV an epidemic was unanimously passed by council.
In Windsor-Essex in 2022, there were 2,378 intimate partner violence calls made to police, and 2,357 crisis calls made to local women shelters.
Over 30 municipalities across Ontario have already declared intimate partner violence an epidemic in their communities, including recently when the City of Windsor declared it and showcased their support.
86 recommendations were adopted from the City of Ottawa and the City of Guelph after both cities declared IPV a local epidemic.
In Ottawa, the motion was approved by their council on March 8, also known as International Women's Day, with recommendations from the inquest into the murders of three women in the Ottawa Valley.
A letter of support will be sent to County Council as well as local elected officials.