More than 100 volunteers will be hitting town streets in Essex to raise money for area food banks.
Today and tomorrow, the Essex Region Goodfellows will be on street corners and retail entrances selling their Goodfellows newspaper.
The money will be divided evenly between the Essex Area Food Bank, the Essex Salvation Army, the Harrow St. Vincent de Paul and the McGregor St. Vincent de Paul.
Since 2004, it has raised more than half a million dollars. Last year, $50,000 was raised.
Essex Region Goodfellows Chair Wendy Cunningham says this is the 14th year for the event.
"Since we started in 2004, we have raised over a half a million dollars and that is for all the needy families in our communities," says Cunningham.
Cunningham says poverty doesn't affect just the city — the county also feels its impact.
"They really count on us to raise this money and feed the local people, the county people do not go into Windsor to the food banks, they rely on the county food banks," says Cunningham.
Volunteers will be in Essex, Harrow, McGregor, Maidstone and Oldcastle. The food banks feed over 200 families per month.