Erie Shores Healthcare is on a mission to attract new physicians to the region — to do that the hospital it looking to drum up some funding support from surrounding municipalities.
On Tuesday night, hospital officials joined Leamington council for a discussion on what's needed to recruit doctors going forward and, with that, an ask for a 15-year commitment from the municipality to put $20,000 each year to the effort.
Erie Shores Health Foundation Executive Director Christine Colautti, says the money would be used for a number of things.
"These funds are used to help the physician with relocation, research, professional development, pretty much anything that's going to help that individual assimilate to the role within the hospital and the community as best as they can," she says.
Hospital CEO Kristin Kennedy says doctors want to work here.
"We've had great success with many individuals wanting to move into the Leamington/Kingsville area and many looking to work in a small community hospital where they can experience a wide array of specialty areas that you can gain some expertise on when you're a young and upcoming physician," says Kennedy.
Councillor Paul Tiessen says it would be money well spent.
"One of the things that I like about this initiative is that, as a municipality, we do have other programs that we fund, but this is one that affects every single resident in the town. It's a little easier for me to wrap my head around giving money to an initiative like this especially when it's about the health of our community," he says.
Town administration will now prepare a report on options for council to consider — the issue will come back for a vote in the near future.
Erie Shores Healthcare estimates $1.2-million is needed over the next 15-years to recruit the physicians needed for the hospital.