The Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) is celebrating 50 years of conservation by hosting an open house on Sunday.
ERCA was formed July 16, 1973 and has delivered programs and services that further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources in watersheds in Ontario.
The open house will include exhibits highlighting the conservation projects, programs and initiatives that have taken place over the past five decades.
Tim Byrne, Chief Administration Officer with ERCA says they have undertaken significant projects to enhance the watershed and to protect lives and property within the region...
"The entirety of the Detroit River shoreline in ownership of the city of Windsor, for example, all of those parks, the shortwalls of those parks were for fortified through grants facilitated by the conservation authority. All of those parks and the protection of those parks also serve huge infrastructure owned and maintained by the City of Windsor."
He says they have facilitated several hundred thousand dollars worth of grant money to update the shoreline flood line mapping for the entire area including the City of Windsor...
"We're are going to be pursuing some additional map funding through a number of municipalities such as the municipality of Leamington to undertake significant work with Leamington and the Hillman Marsh area. We're blessed with working very closely with the Caldwell's, and undertaking significant projects with the Caldwell's throughout the region."
He says there's a constant challenge of public opinion and public awareness of what ERCA is doing.
"If people really want to know what's going on, what's happening, what we're up to, you can easily contact our board members on each council within the municipality. You can access our website. And you can pick up the phone and contact myself and or others and ask questions about what's taking place."
The open house Sunday will take place at the John R. Park Homestead Conservation Area from 1 to 5 p.m. and everyone is welcome to attend.
You're asked to RSVP online by clicking HERE.