The Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) has issued a Flood Watch.
The authority advises that, due to the high lake levels and predicted winds through the long weekend, the watch is in effect for all shoreline areas in the Essex Region and major
tributaries to Lake St. Clair, Detroit River, and Lake Erie.
The current forecast is predicting winds to be primarily out the east/northeast and east directions for the remainder of Friday through Saturday, with winds approaching 30 km/hr for the duration of Saturday afternoon until late Saturday night.
Due to the current high lake levels, the Municipality of Leamington should monitor the flood control dykes in the Southeast Leamington area, including the Mersea Road 1 Dyke and the Marentette Dike.
The southern section of the Marentette Beach Road dyke that provides protection for the inland Marentette Dyke has sustained damage from recent storms.
ERCA says Pelee Island should also monitor conditions along the shorelines, especially the areas previously damaged along West Shore Road and McCormick Road where significant erosion has occurred.
Officials say they will continue to monitor the forecast and provide updates as required.