A flood watch from the Essex Region Conservation Authority remains in effect today.
ERCA says flooding is possible due to elevated lake levels. It also says damaging waves could cause shoreline erosion along Lake Erie.
The organization says they have received reports of significant volumes of debris moving along the near shore littoral zone of Lake St.Clair into the Detroit River.
ERCA is advising the municipalities of Windsor, Tecumseh and Lakeshore to inspect shoreline infrastructure to ensure it is not impacted by the debris.
ERCA Director of Watershed Management Services Tim Byrne says the debris field poses a threat to drainage and pumping outlets if it gets too close to them. He says although the area has not experienced much rain over the past few days, it is still susceptible to flooding.
"We are a region fully surrounded with Great Lakes water," says Byrne. "And it is Great Lakes water that is sitting now at level now exceeding 1998 levels which were our second all time highest recorded lake levels."
He says ERCA wants to make sure municipalities know about the potential threat the debris and rising water levels poses to the region.
"There is no way to forecast at this point in time with shallower waves and lighter waves," says Byrne. "It provides first responders and others more of an opportunity to go out and check and see and observe and see if there is a need to do stop gap emergency repair work or not."
He says although flood watches are not as severe as flood warnings, they are still worthy of resident's attention.
"Lake levels being as high as they are, we are very very susceptible to winds pushing the lakes onto our near shore area around our region so it is our responsibility to issue an advisory when there is a potential for flooding conditions," says Byrne.
He says the debris mixed with waves coming over the shore line and break walls can be extremely dangerous. Byrne says people should continue to avoid shoreline areas if possible.