The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario has announced it will continue its strike action next week.
The union has delivered five-day notices to school boards and authorities across the province.
"ETFO’s 83,000 public elementary school educators will be on the picket lines again next week in the hope that the Ford government and Education Minister Lecce will return to talks prepared to support public education," said ETFO President Sam Hammond in a release issued Wednesday morning.
The strike action next week will include a one-day, provincewide strike on Tuesday, February 11th.
One-day, rotating strikes are also planned for every board across Ontario.
ETFO members at the Greater Essex County District School Board will be off the job on Wednesday, February 12th.
The teachers union is already holding job action this week, with elementary teachers at the local public school set to hit the picket line on Thursday, February 6th as part of a provincewide strike, followed by strike action on Friday, February 7th as part of the rotating strike schedule.
ETFO and the province returned to the bargaining table on January 29th for mediated contract talks, but after three days negotiations ended without an agreement.