The next steps are on the agenda this weekend at a meeting for those involved in a class action lawsuit stemming from watered-down chemotherapy drugs given to cancer patients.
That includes 290 people in Windsor-Essex.
A settlement of just under $2.4-million was announced last month.
That works out to about $1,500 per victim and many aren't happy about it.
Louise Martens, an advocate for the Diluted Chemotherapy Group, has been contacted by victims across the province. "I've heard from patients in London and Scarborough and everybody is saying, "We wake up everyday with a worry. The first time we get a cough, we worry. The first time we feel something weird, we worry"
"Many people are feeling let down" says Martens. "We've had no assurance. We've lost all faith in our medical system. So I just want to give people the opportunity to speak without judgement and say whatever they want to say about the settlement. Just let them have their voice."
The meeting takes place on Sunday at the Moose Lodge on Tecumseh Road West starting at 1pm.
Those involved in the lawsuit have until December 7 to accept or reject the settlement.